NorthSea Offshore Technology (NSO)
NorthSea Offshore Technology (NSO) - NSO is a China based engineering company with ​​​solid background within ship & offshore construction. A world leading manufacturer of aluminium helidecks and access systems, EPCI (turn key) manufacturer/supplier of accommodation areas including own manufacturing of cabin units, architectural ​​​​​​& interior design services. The accommodation division has extensive experience primarily from the premium offshore sector and is taking major steps towards the cruise and ferry industry. NSO also ​​works with equipment trading within China and vessel brokerage​. XRUSOR works closely with NSO and represent sales and operations in Europe and beyond.​
Premium marine catering and laundry systems - design, manufacturing, installation - your one stop shop since 1929 for catering professionals. XRUSOR in cooperation with Tulive BV represent Aluminox sales and service operations towards Scandinavian clients.
Tank level gauging - in-house R&D, manufacturing - ​technically outstanding with nearly 70 years of marine experience and installations onboard more than 4000 vessels​. Musasinos 5'th generation X-radar is second to none. XRUSOR represent Musasino operations in Sweden.